Monday, July 26, 2010

Ryohei Tanka Exhibit Online

It's up!  A selection of 36 of the nearly 70 amazing hand-folded and cut kirigami, featured in our current exhibit, Cuttin' It Up: Paper Cuts by Ryohei Tanaka continuing through August 14, 2010.  Stop by on the First Thursday in August, 8/5, for the monthly Gallery Walk, to also see our 3rd Annual Summer Ephemera Show, a short run from 8/5 - 8/14, so don't miss it!

Breath In Breath Out.
Praying Angry Man.


  1. Beautiful art, I was not aware of this new method used by Ryhohei Tanaka. He was only known by me for his traditional balck & white japanese landscapes. Thanks for this info.

  2. Hi Gonzalo, This is a different artist, not the more senior etcher of so many beautiful prints of thatch-roofed farmhouses. You aren't the first person to ask. Thanks for your interest. This Tanaka's bio can be found on my website at under Statements & CVs.
